Insurance Capital Standard

The Insurance Capital Standard (ICS) has been developed as a consolidated group-wide capital standard for IAIGs. It consists of three components: valuation, qualifying capital resources, and a standard method for the ICS capital requirement. The ICS is the quantitative element of ComFrame.

The purpose of the ICS is to create a common language for supervisory discussions of group solvency to enhance global convergence among group capital standards.

The ICS was adopted by the IAIS at its Annual General Meeting in December 2024.

ICS Explained

In this video series, we aim to enhance understanding of the key features of the ICS – the global group capital standard for IAIGs – and raise awareness of its benefits for both supervisors, insurance groups and policyholders. We highlight how the ICS promotes consistency, comparability and stability in the global insurance market.

The case for a global ICS
Five million data points – the making of the ICS
After ICS adoption – 2025 onwards

Whether you are an insurance professional, a supervisor or policymaker, or someone with a keen interest in the industry, this series of three 5-minute videos will provide valuable insights into the world of international insurance regulation. Join us on this journey as we uncover the key aspects and implications of the ICS.

Key Documents