Public consultation on draft Issues Paper on structural shifts in the life insurance sector
The IAIS published for consultation its draft Issues Paper on structural shifts in the life insurance sector. Feedback is sought by 19 May 2025.
The IAIS published for consultation its draft Issues Paper on structural shifts in the life insurance sector. Feedback is sought by 19 May 2025.
The list provides transparency to markets, policyholders and the larger public that the reported insurers and relevant authorities are working to be prepared for the insurers’ entry into resolution if it ever becomes necessary. The IAIS welcomes this publication and coordinates closely with the FSB with respect to resolvability, to support the globally consistent application of the resolution standards.
At its AGM today, the IAIS adopted the first comprehensive global capital standard for insurance supervision, the ICS, and also adopted important updates to existing qualitative global standards for insurance supervision, the ICPs and ComFrame, related to climate risk, recovery and resolution, and valuation and capital adequacy.
The IAIS has published the aggregate assessment results and observations on the topic of “Enterprise Risk Management for Solvency Purposes”, covering standards set out in Insurance Core Principle (ICP) 16. The peer review process (PRP) assesses the standards which apply to insurance supervision in all jurisdictions regardless of the level of development or sophistication of […]
The assessment questionnaire was developed by the PRP expert team and consisted of 65 questions in total, covering the sixteen standards applicable to ICP 16.